Setwise - A Web Development Firm

What we do

We build great things with web technologies. From simple websites, to training systems, to complex workflow managements applications, we work with clients to help identify how we can use technology to solve their problems and make life simpler.

What we believe in

Technology is great, but we have to use it efficiently and effectively. We love to work with clients to figure out the best ways that technology can help them work better.

Who we are

David Dear


Jason Mrosek

Creative Director

Peter Gartin

Software Developer

Lakshmi Strom

Software Developer

Logan Garrett

Software Developer

Nicholas Dykhuizen

Software Developer

Darren Johnson

Software Developer

Nathan Gartin

Software Engineer Intern

Logan Jorgensen

Software Engineer Intern


We work with some amazing people...and hopefully we can add you to the list soon.

AGHub Midwest
Big Bass Tour
Iowa State University
Loma Linda University
Peoples Company
Rippke Design
Soil and Water Outcomes Fund
Sustainable Environmental Consultants
Varsity Bound